In English 110 there are many different learning outcomes that students are expected to meet by the conclusion of the semester. One outcome, the first one specifically, states that one must be able to “Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision)”. Based on this outcome, it’s safe to assume that one must be willing to change and revise their work many times before finally being finished, in order to attain the best quality of work. This is shown in my case in the revision process between the first and final draft of the second paper. In my first draft, I had not met the word/page count, I had very minimal amount of explanations on quotes, I had very choppy transitions, and I had no conclusion. While I may not have perfected everything in my final draft, I greatly improved upon my transitions, I added a conclusion, i explained my quotes more, and overall, made my paper flow better. In particular, after presenting a quote, I explained, “What this is saying is that, at the college level, in order to be literate in a particular field, one must be able to understand how certain things work, and interact with each other in a Discourse.”. After re-reading and receiving comments from others, I changed it to, “The idea Haas is diving into is that, at the college level, in order to be literate in a particular field, one must be able to understand how certain things work, and interact with each other in a Discourse. Without this knowledge, it will be extremely difficult to be fluent or literate within the Discourse.”. In my opinion, and others’, this change helped to clearly present what I wanted to say, and sounded cleaner.


Cardona-Paper 2-Final Draft Cardona Paper 2 First Draft


Cardona-Paper 2-Final Draft