In English 110, taught by Dr. Cripps at the University of New England, there are several learning outcomes that students are expected to reach by the conclusion of the semester. One such outcome, the second in particular, is to, “Be able to integrate their ideas with others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources.”. A student, at the end of the semester, should be able to take author’s ideas from their writings, and position themselves in accordance to the point that the author is trying to make. One way that I learned how to do this was with the Barclay’s formula paragraph style. This concept helped me in introducing, and explaining the ideas of the authors, then connecting my ideas to theirs. This is shown clearly in my second paper, on the second page, where I take the ideas of James Paul Gee, K.R. Nair, V.D. Nair, and relate them to what I had to say on the topic of Discourses. I was able to take relevant quotes from works of both authors, explain what’s being said in both, and connect it to my beliefs on Discourses. Particularly, I was able to take Gee’s ideas of Discourse upholding and participation, and Nair’s ideas of rules within different Discourses, and integrate them to how one must know how to communicate within a Discourse in order to be fluent.

Cardona-Paper 2-Final Draft