In English 110 with Dr. Cripps, there were many learning outcomes in the class. One learning outcome, the 4th one specifically, is to “Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.”. This means that by the end of the class, I should be able to grade/judge my own and others’ literary works by utilizing “global revision” at first, then later on focusing in on local revision. In my case, and in the case of my peer’s first draft, I believe that I have greatly improved on my skills in critiquing others’ papers structural errors, rather than grammatical errors, as the learning outcome states. In my peer’s paper, I made sure to only give him helpful comments that helped the structure and flow of his paragraphs/transitions so that he could take more of his own time fixing what truly needs to be fixed. In particular, my peer had used a fairly large block quote with a lot of information that wasn’t crucial to what he was trying to say in his paper. Because of this, I told him, “Giant block quote. I think that you could get the same idea across with less quotes. A good way to cut down this quote would be to use ellipsis, and only including what’s important to the main idea of the quote.”. Instead of just telling him that something was wrong, I pinpointed the exact problem, and gave him constructive criticism to help him fix what’s wrong. While I may have been fairly adequate at critiquing others’ papers before this class, Cripps has certainly improved my skill in helping to fix the work of others.

Turbide – Paper 1 – First Draft (1)